Alphitonia ponderosa

Hillebr. (1888)

This name is accepted

Kingdom: Viridiplantae Phylum: Magnoliophyta Class/Clade: Eudicot-Rosids Order: Rosales Family: Rhamnaceae Genus: Alphitonia

kauila, kauwila, o‘a [oa] (Maui)



Key Characters:

Growth Form: Trees 4–25 m tall.

Stems: Bark whitish, deeply corrugated in drier habitats.


Leaves: Leaves simple. Alternate. Blades ovate, elliptic–ovate, or oblong–ovate to lanceolate, (6–)8–1 5(–22.5) cm long, (2.5–)3.5–7(–9.6) cm wide. Apex usually acuminate, but sometimes acute or even obtuse. Upper surfaces dark green, somewhat glossy, glabrate; lower surfaces densely rusty tomentose at least when young, occasionally turning white in age, or all of the hairs deciduous except those in the impressed areoles between the veins, or rarely the entire surfaces glabrate; Blades somewhat to distinctly coriaceous. Margins entire. Pinnately veined. Petioles 1.6–5 cm long, tomentulose, ± sparsely so with age. Stipules 2–10 mm long.

Flowers: Flowers in thyrses usually 6–8 cm long, rusty tomentose throughout, peduncles 6–10 mm long, pedicels 3–6 mm long, angled, small bracteoles at base. Flowers bisexual (perfect), actinomorphic. Calyx of 5 sepals, deltate, 1.5–2.5 mm long, rusty to whitish tomentose, the inner face glabrous, valvate in bud. Corolla of 5 petals; petals spatulate, ca. 1.5 mm long, each one partly enclosing a stamen. Stamens 5, opposite the petals; filaments distinct, adnate to base of petals; anthers opening by longitudinal slits. Ovary partly inferior, 2–3-celled; ovules 1 per cell, casal and erect, anatropous; style short, 2–3 lobed.

Fruit: Fruit drupaceous; black; subglobose; 14–18 mm in diameter; indehiscent to tardily dehiscent; the surface wrinkled; floral tube enclosing ca. ½ of the fruit; partly enclosed by the adherent nectary disk and floral tube; exocarp spongy and somewhat brittle; endocarp crustaceous. Seeds brown; oblong; ca. 6 mm long; covered by a thin red aril; persistent on receptacle.


Habitat: Dry to mesic forest.

Elevation Range: 240–1,250 m.

Historical Distribution


Uses and Culture


  • Bluish dye (leaves & bark)

  • The treatment for na ma‘i‘e‘eu o ka ‘ili, kuhewa, and maka‘u ano ‘e no (shudders, fears). Shavings from the trunk of the kauila tree are mixed with water and taken internally (Chun 1994:140).

  • There are two trees from the Rhamnaceae family that are both called kauila (Alphitonia ponderosa and Colubrina oppositifolia). In the ethnographic literature and the Bishop Museum ethnology collection it is usually unclear which of the two is actually represented. Therefore it is not certain which of the species may actually be represented in some of the information and images that follow. Kauila wood was used for many purposes, including as house beams; kapa beaters (i‘e kuku and hohoa) (Krauss 1993:61,63,69); fishing spears (kao or ‘o) and netting needle or shuttle (hi‘a ka ‘upena) (Krauss 1993:34,35,45), javelins (darts, ihe pahe‘e or pahe‘e) & spears (long spear or pololu); daggers (pahoa); clubs & shark-tooth clubs (Krauss 1993:94–97, 106–111); ‘o‘o (digging stick) (Krauss 1993:25); guessing games pieces (polished sticks hidden in hands), heavy base used in "wand game" (‘ume or pili) (Krauss 1993:92–93); ‘ukeke (musical bow); it was the preferred wood to repair wooden bowls (small pegs hammered in) (Krauss 1993:80, 85). In the Ethnology Collection at Bishop Museum there is a post-contact example of the wood made into a bowl and one of Kamehameka I's spears is said to have been reworked into this cane. Additional collections items of kauila are pestles and an amulet.

  • Akua loa staff for Makahiki

  • O'o - agricultural tool


  • The Kauila Trees of Maunaloa The gods of the forest, distrubed by loudness, had changed the noisy crowd into a grove of kauila trees which would whisper in the wind but never shout aloud (Pukui & Curtis 1951:179).


  • Intermediate. Grow from seeds, transfer sprouts to individual pots of 1:1 small cinder:vermiculite when roots appear, keep well watered, sulfur in mix will protect against diseases (Culliney and Koebele 1999:70–72).

Natural History

Statewide Status


Island Status

Kaua'i Endemic
O'ahu Endemic
Molokai Endemic
Lana'i Endemic
Maui Endemic
Hawai'i Endemic

Dispersal Agents



  • Abbott says there is confusion about this tree and Colubrina oppositifolia since both are kauila


Name Published In: Fl. Hawaiian Isl.: 81 (1888)

Other References

Laau Hawaii (Abbott) p.21

Wagner et al. 1990:1092 (K, O, Mo, L, M, H)

Laau Hawaii (Abbott) p.xx


SNo. Scientific Name Scientific Name Authorship Locality Habitat Basis of Record Recorded By Record Number Island Source Date
1 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. West Maui, Wailuku Dist., Pohakea Gulch steep, windward facing mid-gulch slope. Vegetation: Metrosideros, Myrsine, Xylosma, Ilex, Diospyros, Chamaesyce, Dodonaea, Leptecophylla, Wikstroemia, Nestegis, Smilax, Dubautia, Coprosma, Bidens, Vaccinium, Alyxia, Pleomele, Doodia, Dryopteris, Ctenitis, Cocculus, Elaphoglossum, Lysimachia, Nephrolepis, Carex, Pteridium, Peperomia, Liparis. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. H100518 Maui BISH 10/20/2005
2 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Pohakea Pass, Waianae PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Judd, C.S. 51 Oahu BISH 8/5/1926
3 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. East Maui, SW Haleakala, Auwhai, 0.5 km SE of Puu Ouli dry, gulch; with native trees, shrubs, exotic grass, shrubs PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Higashino, P.K. 9256 Maui BISH 6/24/1980
4 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. east maui, sw haleakala, auwhai, 0.5 km se of puu ouli dry, gulch; with native trees, shrubs, exotic grass, shrubs PRESERVED_SPECIMEN higashino, p.k. holt, r.a. collector number: 9256 Maui BISH 6/24/1980
5 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. east maui, auahi PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8644 Maui BISH 11/1/1910
6 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Halemanu, edge of Waimea Canyon, trail to Waipoo Falls PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Herbst, D.R. 2376 Kauai BISH 4/10/1972
7 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Waimea Canyon, isolated relic forest, difficult access N of Kukui trail Metrosideros with Santalum, Dodonaea, Dicranopteris, Antidesma, Alphitonia, Psychotria, Pittosporum. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K.R. 14186 Kauai BISH 4/11/2010
8 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. waianae mts., makua valley, against cliff of backbone, about middle of the cliff face in a large v-shaped gulch, on the north face PRESERVED_SPECIMEN obata, j.k. collector number: 76-305 BISH 11/28/1976
9 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. trail between end of halemanu road and waimea lookout PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wagner, w.l. mill, s.; peterson, b.; peterson, g.; flynn,t. collector number: 5145 Kauai BISH 12/20/1983
10 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. District of Waianae, Kahanahaiki On a mesic-forested slope PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lau, J. 831 Oahu BISH 1/30/1982
11 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. ocean view, 0.1 mile n of general store, hwy 11, kahuku, kau PRESERVED_SPECIMEN kimura, b. keawe, d. collector number: 6 Hawaii BISH 6/29/1980
12 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kahuku, kau, 1887 flow forest, aa lava PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. cowan, r.s.; rogers, d.p. collector number: 22445 Hawaii BISH 12/27/1946
13 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. waimea, milolii ridge near kokee PRESERVED_SPECIMEN cranwell, l.m. selling, o.; skottsberg, c. collector number: 2924 BISH 8/14/1938
14 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. waimea district. milolii ridge road leading into the paaiki valley, kokee area Dry forest area assoc. with Euphorbia celastroides, Pittosporum acuminatum, Pelea sp., Dicranopteris PRESERVED_SPECIMEN gustafson, r. collector number: 1035 Kauai BISH 11/26/1978
15 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. East Maui, Hana District, Auwahi dry forest on aa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Webster, G.L. 13901 Maui BISH 6/25/1968
16 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. w of waiohinu, w of 1907 flow PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. collector number: 11034 Hawaii BISH 3/12/1931
17 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Puna-Kealakomo pali, lehua forest, open aa flow PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stone, B.C. 3017 Hawaii BISH 7/9/1959
18 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. waimea, kokee territorial park, halemanu road, 0.4 miles from kokee road PRESERVED_SPECIMEN chock, a.k. collector number: 1361 Kauai BISH 10/17/1955
19 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kahualuamanu, above Waimea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 427 K Kauai BISH 9/1/1909
20 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kawela Gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 182 Mo Molokai BISH 7/1/1912
21 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kapua rough lava PRESERVED_SPECIMEN MacDaniels, L.H. 272 Hawaii BISH 5/16/1926
22 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kahuku, Kau, 1887 flow forest, aa lava PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 22445 Hawaii BISH 12/27/1946
23 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Middle Auahi, Kalualii PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 2039.M Maui BISH 3/20/1920
24 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. national park, kau, hilina pali road, kipuka nene shelter open area with Metrosideros PRESERVED_SPECIMEN herat, t. herat, r.; higashino, p.k. collector number: 771 Hawaii BISH 6/27/1974
25 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kamalo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 297 Molokai BISH 6/1/1910
26 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. milolii ridge, waimea moist woods PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. fosberg, f.r. collector number: 13722 Kauai BISH 12/27/1933
27 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kokee state park, on canyon trail to waipoo falls PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wagner, w.l. mill, w.w.; wier,d.g. collector number: 4943 Kauai BISH 8/26/1983
28 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kaholuamanu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 5504 Kauai BISH 9/1/1909
29 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. halemanu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN macdaniels, l.h. collector number: 785 Oahu BISH 2/18/1927
30 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kau, kahuku, 1887 lava flow PRESERVED_SPECIMEN shigehara, b. Hawaii BISH
31 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Puuwaawaa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Baldwin, R.I. 1 Hawaii BISH 9/13/1958
32 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. awe awe pua trail, honopuu, kokee PRESERVED_SPECIMEN pearsall, g.a. Kauai BISH 12/29/1956
33 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. 20 mi. from waimea toward kona aa desert PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. collector number: 3347 Hawaii BISH 8/20/1926
34 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kokee, kumuwela. along ridge to george's point overlooking poomau canyon Open bog. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN flynn, t. collector number: 653 Kauai BISH 11/17/1983
35 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. puuanahulu, puuwaawaa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 10094 Hawaii BISH 8/8/1911
36 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Manuka FR, Kau aa flow; with ohia, opiko, lama, kolea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Horner, E. s.n. Hawaii BISH 4/3/1950
37 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. East Maui, Auwahi PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 8644 Maui BISH 11/1/1910
38 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. West Maui, Lahaina District, slopes of Helu, Puehuehunui, 1st gulch NW of Luakoi Ridge On very steep north facing slope, about one third below ridge top to gulch bottom. Vegetation: Metrosideros, Diospyros, Myrsine, Coprosma, Wikstroemia, Dodonaea, Psychotria, Alyxia, Nephrolepis, Doodia, Dryopteris, Carex, Leptecophylla, Cocculus. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. Wood, K.R. Collector Number: H120607 Maui BISH 12/6/2006
39 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kumuela ditch trail, along border between kokee state park and na pali-kona forest reserve PRESERVED_SPECIMEN crosby, m.r. anderson, w.r. collector number: 2022 Kauai BISH 8/13/1964
40 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Auwahi PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 26873 Maui BISH 6/30/1972
41 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. national park, kipuka nene dry ohia forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN webster, g.l. wilbur, r.l. collector number: 1808 Hawaii BISH 6/18/1948
42 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. S Fork of Kaunakakai Gulch Growing on south side of gulch with Dodonaea, Styphelia, Coprosma, Pleomele, and Euphorbia. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Anderson, S.J. Collector Number: 530 Molokai BISH 5/26/1982
43 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. awaawapuhi trail from kokee road to napali coast Rainforest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN van royen, p. collector number: 11753 Kauai BISH 9/24/1977
44 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. upper kealakomo forest; aa flow PRESERVED_SPECIMEN stone, b.c. collector number: 2956 Hawaii BISH 6/25/1959
45 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Maui on open, gentle sloping ridgetop. Vegetation: Metrosideros, Psidium, Schinus, Wikstroemia, Leptecophylla, Dodonaea, Nephrolepis, Osteomeles, Phaius, Paspalum, Andropogon, Setaria, Carex, Psilotum, Cocculus, Pteridium PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. H100522 Maui BISH 10/20/2005
46 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. East Maui, Hana District, Auwahi dry aa lava, open native forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Herbst, D.R. 710 Maui BISH 11/11/1967
47 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. N. Kona; Puuwaawaa On an a`a lava flow. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 25715 Hawaii BISH 3/14/1957
48 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Manuka Mauka on aa lava, wooded kipuka PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 11350 Hawaii BISH 12/27/1931
49 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. manuka natural area reserve, transect 11, west from road to the sea with Dicranopteris, Acacia, Metrosideros, Alyxia, Cheirodendron PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. p. perlman, l. abbott & m. buck 10702 Maui BISH 4/17/1989
50 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. West Maui, Lahaina, Hanakaoo gulch mauka of Horner Reservoir N facing steep slope, ~1/3 way below gulch rim. Associated vegetation: Metrosideros, Dodonaea, Leptecophylla, Wikstroemia, Osteomeles, Scaevola, Diospyros, Acacia, Bidens, Pteridium, Nephrolepis, Doodia, Dryopteris, Carex, Pittosporum, Elaphoglossum, Asplenium, Psydrax, Alyxia, Psilotum, Lepisorus, Psidium, Schinus. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. Collector Number: H60713 Maui BISH 6/12/2007
51 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. pohakea pass, waianae PRESERVED_SPECIMEN judd, c.s. collector number: 51 Oahu BISH 8/5/1926
52 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. maunaloa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hillebrand, w.b. collector number: s.n. Molokai BISH
53 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. W of Waiohinu, W of 1907 flow PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 11034 Hawaii BISH 3/12/1931
54 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kau desert, SE of Pahala PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Skottsberg, C.J.F. 609 Hawaii BISH 9/20/1922
55 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Near base of Makua Valley, on S side below the cliffs Trees. Dry, north talus slope PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Judd, C.S. 70 Oahu BISH 2/9/1929
56 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. s branch, kapua gulch forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. degener, i. collector number: 28554 Lanai BISH 8/24/1963
57 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. w maui, lahaina district, west maui natural area reserve, panaewa section, s side of kanaha valley, mauka of paupau Growing on steep slope. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN oppenheimer, h.l. collector number: h69808 Maui BISH 6/28/1998
58 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Maunalei PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Munro, G.C. 472 Lanai BISH
59 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener 8729 MPM 9/27/1932
60 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. S Kona, Kapua, Kaulanamauna, Manuka PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Higashino, P.K. 77-7 Hawaii BISH 6/1/1977
61 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Mts. near Koele PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 134.L Lanai BISH 6/1/1913
62 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. on the ridge west of the hanapepe river PRESERVED_SPECIMEN heller, a.a. collector number: 2748 Kauai BISH 1895-08-22
63 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kumuela Ditch Trail, along border between Kokee State Park and Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Crosby, M.R. 2022 Kauai BISH 8/13/1964
64 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. N Kona, Puuwaawaa, 0.6 mi W of ranch houses rocky paddocks PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Kondo, Y. 99 Hawaii BISH 7/23/1946
65 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. mts. near koele PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 134.l Lanai BISH 6/1/1913
66 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. W Maui, Lahaina District, West Maui Natural Area Reserve, Panaewa section, S side of Kanaha Valley, mauka of Paupau Growing on steep slope. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. Collector Number: H69808 Maui BISH 6/28/1998
67 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Halemanu Hill, Kokee forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 23933 Kauai BISH 9/15/1955
68 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kaholuamanu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 5504 Kauai BISH 9/1/1909
69 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. East Maui, S Haleakala, Auwahi, SE Puu Ouli dry open sclerophyllous forest on aa lava PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Fosberg, F.R. 415142 Maui BISH 12/14/1961
70 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Mts. near Koele PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 85.L Lanai BISH 6/1/1913
71 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. milolii ridge road PRESERVED_SPECIMEN gagné, w.c. montgomery, s.l. collector number: 530 Hawaii BISH 8/21/1970
72 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. diamond head PRESERVED_SPECIMEN munro, g.c. collector number: 2 Oahu BISH 1/1/1958
73 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Halemanu forest along stream PRESERVED_SPECIMEN MacDaniels, L.H. 761 Kauai BISH 2/17/1927
74 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. W Maui, Lahaina District, West Maui Natural Area Reserve, Panaewa section, S side of Kanaha Valley, mauka of Paupau Growing on steep slope. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. H69808 Maui BISH 6/28/1998
75 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. manuka, kau, 100 yds. mauka of belt rd. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN meinecke, w.h. Oahu BISH 5/15/1956
76 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Makua Valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lyon, H.L. s.n. Oahu BISH 9/27/1932
77 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Between Puuwaawaa and Huehue PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 3344 Hawaii BISH 8/18/1926
78 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. puuwaawaa, n kona, huehue PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 12970 Hawaii BISH 8/8/1917
79 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. halemanu hill, kokee forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. degener, i. collector number: 23933 Kauai BISH 9/15/1955
80 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Ridge between Kalahu and Nianiau, between Kalalau and Honapu Valleys Moist forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Fosberg, F.R. 12714 Kauai BISH 12/29/1935
81 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Land section of Makakupaia, S fork of Kaunakakai Gulch, southern slope of the gulch On a rocky slope PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lau, J. 1459 Molokai BISH 9/25/1985
82 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kau Desert PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 387 H Hawaii BISH 8/2/1911
83 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kokee, Kokee Road, on side of ridge In open woods, with native trees and shrubs PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Pearsall, G.A. 421 Kauai BISH 7/5/1959
84 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. West Maui, Lahaina, Hanakaoo gulch mauka of Horner Reservoir N facing steep slope, ~1/3 way below gulch rim. Associated vegetation: Metrosideros, Dodonaea, Leptecophylla, Wikstroemia, Osteomeles, Scaevola, Diospyros, Acacia, Bidens, Pteridium, Nephrolepis, Doodia, Dryopteris, Carex, Pittosporum, Elaphoglossum, Asplenium, Psydrax, Alyxia, Psilotum, Lepisorus, Psidium, Schinus. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. H60713 Maui BISH 6/12/2007
85 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. near base of makua valley, on s side below the cliffs Trees. Dry, north talus slope PRESERVED_SPECIMEN judd, c.s. collector number: 70 Oahu BISH 2/9/1929
86 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN russ,g.w. BISH 3/8/1930
87 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kopiwai trail, kokee forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. greenwell, a. collector number: 21519 Kauai BISH 1/11/1952
88 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Oahu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Russ, G.W. s.n. Oahu BISH 3/1/1930
89 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Puuwaawaa Ranch, N Kona, below headquarters aa flow; with Metrosideros, Grevillea, Pennisetum PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Nagata, K.M. 1731 Hawaii BISH 7/26/1978
90 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. near kokee PRESERVED_SPECIMEN alexander,a.m.; kellogg,l. BISH 3/11/1947
91 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. between puuwaawaa and huehue In a narrow, steep drainage. Specimen situated on a streambank in heavy shade of 5-6 meter canopy within Ohia Montane Wet Forest. Associated vegetation: Metrosideros polymorpha, Cheirodendron trigynum, Broussaisia arguta, Hedyotis hillebrandii, Melicope clusiifolia, Cibotium menziesii, Thelypteris stegnogrammoides, Diplazium sandwichianum, Nothoparanema rubiginosum, Vandenboschia davallioides, Sadleria pallida, Callistopteris baueriana, Deparia petersenii. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. collector number: 3344 Maui BISH 8/18/1926
92 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Trail between end of Halemanu Road and Waimea Lookout PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wagner, W.L. 5145 Kauai BISH 12/20/1983
93 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kawela gulch Rich low wet forest w/ Metrosideros and Cheirodendron. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 182 mo Kauai BISH 7/1/1912
94 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. national park, kipuka puaulu forest clearing PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. collector number: hawaii 14c Hawaii BISH 5/12/1984
95 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kokee, Hale Manu near Kokee ditch trail. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 1 Kauai PTBG 7/11/1986
96 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Awaawapuhi Trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Corn, C. A-218 Kauai BISH 6/16/1987
97 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. manuka, s kona PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 10024 Hawaii BISH 1/8/1912
98 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Upper Waimea Canyon, Kokee Park ca. 2 mi S of Park Headquarters In moderately dry Acacia kauaiensis-Metrosideros polymorpha forest, with Santalum pyrularium, Euphorbia remyi, Wilkesia gymnoxiphium, Styphelia tameiameiae. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Carlquist, S. 1956 Kauai BISH 7/10/1966
99 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. puhielelu On the coast. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN munro, g.c. collector number: 247 Hawaii BISH 11/18/1910
100 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. east maui, hana district, auwahi dry aa lava, open native forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN herbst, d.r. lamoureux, c.h.; bishop, l.e. collector number: 710 Maui BISH 11/11/1967
101 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. halemanu, edge of waimea canyon, trail to waipoo falls PRESERVED_SPECIMEN herbst, d.r. collector number: 2376 Kauai BISH 4/10/1972
102 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. 7 mi. from kalae turnoff PRESERVED_SPECIMEN woolford, h.a. Hawaii BISH 12/23/1954
103 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. honopu side of dividing ridge s of kalalau Acacia koa-Metrosideros polymorpha montane mesic forest w/ Zanthoxylum diptalum, Dicranopteris linearis, Hedyotis terminalis, Pleomele aurea, Bobea brevipes, Psychotria mariniana, Melicope anisata, M. barbigera, Pouteria sandwicensis, Dodonaea viscosa, Dianella sandwicensis; pig, deer, goat, rats, Rubus argutus, Lantana camara, Erigeron karvinskianus. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wood, k.r. bell, a. collector number: 11766 Kauai BISH 2/19/2006
104 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. national park, kipuka puaulu open slope PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. collector number: hawaii 20a Hawaii BISH 5/12/1984
105 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. ravine northwest of puu makaliilii Arid, sunny, rocky slope PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. wiebke, h. collector number: 3343 Molokai BISH 5/22/1928
106 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. s fork of kaunakakai gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN anderson, s.j. collector number: 530 Oahu BISH 5/26/1982
107 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kahuku, Kau PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Russ, G.W. s.n. Hawaii BISH 4/13/1927
108 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Ravine northwest of Puu Makaliilii Arid, sunny, rocky slope PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 3343 Molokai BISH 5/22/1928
109 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kamalo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 297 Molokai BISH 6/1/1910
110 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. east maui, auwahi PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8644 Maui BISH 11/1/1910
111 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. n kona, between huehue and puuwaawaa dry forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. Hawaii BISH 8/6/1944
112 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Halemanu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 1786 Kauai BISH 2/14/1909
113 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. hawaii volcanoes natl park. Along Mauna Loa strip road PRESERVED_SPECIMEN weber, w.a.; bujakiewicz, a. 16556a CM 4/10/1983
114 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Slope of Hualalai between Huehue and Puuwaawaa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Otto Degener; Henry Wiebke KANU 8/24/1926
115 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. molokai. "maunaloa" PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hillebrand, w.f. s.n. MEL
116 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. hawaii national park. kipuka. nene 2750 ft. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN g. l. webster and r. l. wilbur s.n. NHA 6/18/1948
117 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. manuka mauka. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st. john, h. 11350 NSW 12/27/1931
118 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. auahi, maui. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rack, j. f. s.n. NSW 11/9/1910
119 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. makaha, oahu. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN russ, s. w. s.n. NSW 3/9/1930
120 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. on the ridge west of the hanapepe river, island of kauai. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN heller, a. a. 2748 NSW 1895-08-22
121 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. upper west fork kauela PRESERVED_SPECIMEN g. hughes 92 NY 9/22/1992
122 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Halelepaakai Ridge near Fish and Wildlife enclosure. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 181 Lanai PTBG 5/25/1982
123 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Auwhi. Just W of #238, 50 ft. away. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 239 Maui PTBG 1/5/1979
124 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. W. Maui, Pohakea Gulch. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H100518 Maui PTBG 10/20/2005
125 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Koai`e Canyon, 1 mile east of Lonomea camp. Mixed Mesic Forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Natalia Tangalin 1513 Kauai PTBG 7/4/2007
126 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Awehi Gulch headwaters, below Waiakeakua. On N facing slope, near ridge top. Very degraded mesic forest dominated by Psidium cattleianum. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H91013 Lanai PTBG 9/14/2010
127 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kokee, kokee road, on side of ridge In open woods, with native trees and shrubs PRESERVED_SPECIMEN pearsall, g.a. collector number: 421 Kauai BISH 7/5/1959
128 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. maunalei PRESERVED_SPECIMEN munro, g.c. collector number: 472 Lanai BISH
129 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kau, National Park, Kipuka Puaulu wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lammers, T.G. 5406 Hawaii BISH 9/2/1983
130 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. mahana PRESERVED_SPECIMEN munro, g.c. collector number: s.n. Lanai BISH 2/24/1915
131 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. maui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN munro, g.c. Maui BISH
132 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. maunaloa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hillebrand, w.b. lydgate, j.m. collector number: s.n. Molokai BISH
133 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kau desert PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 387 h Hawaii BISH 8/2/1911
134 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kopiwai trail, Kokee forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 21519 Kauai BISH 1/11/1952
135 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. National Park, Kipuka Nene dry ohia forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Webster, G.L. 1808 Hawaii BISH 6/18/1948
136 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. manuka mauka on aa lava, wooded kipuka PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. et al. collector number: 11350 Hawaii BISH 12/27/1931
137 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. milolii ridge road Metrosideros, Tetraplasandra, Cyanea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN gagné, w.c. montgomery, s.l. collector number: 530 Kauai BISH 8/21/1970
138 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Maui on open, gentle sloping ridgetop. Vegetation: Metrosideros, Psidium, Schinus, Wikstroemia, Leptecophylla, Dodonaea, Nephrolepis, Osteomeles, Phaius, Paspalum, Andropogon, Setaria, Carex, Psilotum, Cocculus, Pteridium PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. Fay, K.; Spencer, J. Collector Number: H100522 Maui BISH 10/20/2005
139 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. s kona, kapua, kaulanamauna, manuka PRESERVED_SPECIMEN higashino, p.k. collector number: 77-7 Hawaii BISH 6/1/1977
140 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. waimea canyon, isolated relic forest, difficult access n of kukui trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wood, k.r. collector number: 14186 Maui BISH 4/11/2010
141 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. n kona, puuwaawaa, 0.6 mi. w of ranch houses rocky paddocks PRESERVED_SPECIMEN kondo, y. collector number: 99 Hawaii BISH 7/23/1946
142 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. National Park, Kipuka Puaulu open slope PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. Hawaii 20a Hawaii BISH 5/12/1984
143 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. slope of hualalai between huehue and puuwaawaa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN otto degener; henry wiebke KU 8/24/1926
144 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. north kona. puuwaawaa Dry lava slope PRESERVED_SPECIMEN g. l. webster, r. l. wilbur 1890 NCSC 6/23/1948
145 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. halemanu, kauai. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j. f. s.n. NSW 2/14/1909
146 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. auahi, maui. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j. f. 8644 NSW 11/9/1910
147 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. milolii ridge, waimea, kauai. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st. john, h. 13722 NSW 12/27/1933
148 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. "haw ranchos", mauka of pohue. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. 33678 NSW 2/24/1976
149 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Manuka N.A.R., transect 11, west from road to the sea. In Diospyros sandwicensis lowland dry forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 10702 Hawaii PTBG 4/17/1989
150 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. W. Maui, Hanakaoo, gulch mauka of Horner Reservoir. On N facing, steep slope about one-third the way below gulch rim toward bottom. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H60713 Maui PTBG 6/12/2007
151 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Na Pali coast, Hanakapiai valley, west side of valley slopes below Pohakea, north facing steep slopes. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 17681 Kauai PTBG 9/20/2001
152 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Makaha, upper north fork, north facing slopes behind and east of kokio keokeo. Metrosideros-Acacia-Alphitonia montane mesic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 16668 Kauai PTBG 11/28/2015
153 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Central west fork of Kawela Gulch. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H40817 Molokai PTBG 4/23/2008
154 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kokee, Makaha Ridge Road. Acacia koa mixed mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Natalia Tangalin 275 Kauai PTBG 2/17/2005
155 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Waimea Canyon, difficult access north of Kukui trail. isolated relic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 14186 Kauai PTBG 4/11/2010
156 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. KAUAI: Kawai`iki, upper drainages above twin falls of Koa`ie Canyon, Metrosideros polymorpha mixed mesic forest, Gahnia beecheyi, Dianella sandwicensis, Dubautia laevigata, Hedyotis terminalis, Cheirodendron trigynum, Psychotria mariniana, Poa sandwicensis, Bidens cosmoides, Peperomia macraeana, Peperomia latifolia, Peperomia kokeana, PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 9111 Kauai PTBG 9/25/2001
157 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Nuololo, forests North of Nuololo Trail. Metrosideros-Acacia montane mesic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 15675 Kauai PTBG 9/29/2013
158 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Honopu side of dividing ridge south of Kalalau. Acacia koa-Metrosideros polymorpha montane mesic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 11766 Kauai PTBG 2/19/2006
159 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kalalau, back of valley, forest below Pihea. Diospyros-Metrosideros mixed lowland mesic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 16556 Kauai PTBG 7/28/2015
160 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kopakaka Valley West of Makaha Ridge Road Diverse Mesic Forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Natalia Tangalin 3589 Kauai PTBG 12/5/2013
161 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Below Puu KoleKole; West of Makolelau. Dodonaea- Styphelia Lowland Mesic Shrubland PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 2000 Molokai PTBG 7/8/1992
162 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Na Pali coast, Hanakapiai valley, west side of valley, cliffs below Pohakea. Diospyros sandwicensis -Metrosideros mesic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 15462 Kauai PTBG 7/2/1996
163 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kokee, Kumuwela. Along lridge to Georges Pt. overlooking Poomau Canyon. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 653 Kauai PTBG 11/17/1983
164 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve, Unit B, Kahua Ridge trail, vicinity of Maile Flat. Diverse mesic forest on ridge crest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN David H. Lorence 10502 Kauai PTBG 5/15/2015
165 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Along the trail through Kipuka Puaulu. Elev. 1225-1250 m. Wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN T. G. Lammers 5406 Hawaii PTBG 9/2/1983
166 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Makaha, north fork of upper drainage, north of kokio keokeo on steep slopes. Acacia-Metrosideros montane mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 7274 Kauai PTBG 3/14/1998
167 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Kipuka Ki, along Mauna Loa strip road. Mixed mesophytic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN David H. Lorence 5684 Hawaii PTBG 11/3/1987
168 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Puhielelu ridge,on north facing side of ridge. In Diospyros-Nestegis lowland dry forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 14762 Lanai PTBG 4/19/1995
169 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Puu Waa Waa Ranch. Elev. 2180-2560 ft. In Diospyros lowland dry forest and degraded alien vegetation associated with pasture. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 12472 Hawaii PTBG 1/8/1992
170 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Halemanu, near edge of Waimea Canyon along trail to Waipoo Falls. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Derral Herbst 2376 Kauai PTBG 4/10/1972
171 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Makaha, upper south fork, south facing slopes behind and east of kokio keokeo. Metrosideros-Acacia-Alphitonia montane mesic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 16666 Kauai PTBG 11/27/2015
172 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. W. Maui. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H100522 Maui PTBG 10/20/2005
173 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Makua valley, 30 deg. NE. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 2435 Oahu PTBG 3/7/1993
174 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kaunakakai; north facing slopes; above confluence of Kupaia. Metrosideros mesic forest and shrubland PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 7022 Molokai PTBG 12/27/1997
175 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. North Kona, Puuwaawaa. On aa lava flow. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN J. F. Rock 25715 Hawaii PTBG 3/14/1957
176 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kawaiiki Ridge, slope above Koaie, west of twin falls. Montane mixed dry to mesic forest, just below Metrosideros-Acacia forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 16462 Kauai PTBG 6/4/2015
177 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve, Koaie Canyon, from Lonomea Camp, then east along south side of Koaie Stream. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 277 Kauai PTBG 3/30/1990
178 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Puu Ka Pele Forest Reserve. 1 mile down Methodist Camp Road, right fork, down contour road 0.5 miles. Between Kauweiki and Kauhao ridges. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 248 Kauai PTBG 1/29/1990
179 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Along Makaha Ridge Road, 0.8 miles west of Highway 550. mixed mesophytic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN David H. Lorence 6317 Kauai PTBG 1/2/1989
180 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. North-facing slope of The Great Escarpment, Waimea Canyon. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Maggie Sporck-Koehler MJSK26 Kauai PTBG 6/6/2017
181 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Between Maunalei and…[can't read the writing] PRESERVED_SPECIMEN G. C. Munro 152 Lanai PTBG 10/11/1913
182 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. NaPali Coast State Park, back of Kalalau Valley. Degraded Diverse Mesic Forest with remnant large native trees and Psydrax patches. Understory mostly weedy. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Natalia Tangalin 2863 Kauai PTBG 10/18/2011
183 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Makaha Ridge Road at 0.8 miles W of Highway 550. mixed mesophytic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN David H. Lorence 5558 Kauai PTBG 9/16/1987
184 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. E. Maui, , Kanaio NAR. open area of dry forest & shrubland. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H20906 Maui PTBG 2/3/2009
185 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Puu Ka Pele Forest Reserve on W side of Waimea Canyon, 11.3 miles N of Waimea, just E of Highway 550; Elev. 1050-900 m. steep slopes and open grassy areas with remnants of dry mixed mesophytic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN David H. Lorence 5252 Kauai PTBG 5/21/1987
186 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kauai Is., Kokee PRESERVED_SPECIMEN T. Kato 76 UBC 12/23/1959
187 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Manuka; Oceanview Estates; 70 m south of 77 mile marker; mauka side of highway. Metrosideros-Diospyros lowland dry forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 4127 Hawaii PTBG 3/8/1995
188 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Hawaii Is., kipuka puaulu open savannah with koa,sopindus PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Vladimir J. Krajina, D. mueller-dombois 660625003 UBC 6/25/1966
189 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. S fork of Gaunakakai Gulch, S side PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Anderson, S. 530 Molokai US 5/26/1982
190 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kauai Island , waimea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN L. Horigan 35 UBC 12/1/1959
191 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Trail between end of Halemanu Rd. and Waimea Lookout PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wagner, W. L.; Miller, S. W.; Peterson, B.; Peterson, G.; Flynn, T. W. 5145 Kauai US 12/20/1983
192 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. w part of kauai, kokee state park near museum PRESERVED_SPECIMEN e. l. little jr. 23022 Hawaii US 5/30/1968
193 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Awaawapuhi Trail from Kokee Road to Na Pali Coast PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Royen, P. van 11753 Kauai US 9/24/1977
194 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Manuka, Kau. 100 yards mauka of Belt Road. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Meinecke, W. H. s.n. Hawaii US 5/15/1956
195 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. trail between end of halemanu rd. and waimea lookout PRESERVED_SPECIMEN w. l. wagner, s. w. miller, b. peterson, g. peterson & t. w. flynn 5145 Kauai US 12/20/1983
196 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. halemanu. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN d. r. herbst 1033 Oahu US 4/7/1968
197 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Milolii Ridge, Waimea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H.; Fosberg, F. R. 13722 Kauai US 12/27/1933
198 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. koke'e state park, on canyon trail to waipoo falls PRESERVED_SPECIMEN w. l. wagner, s. w. miller, d. wier & g. wier 4943 Kauai US 8/26/1983
199 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stone, B. C. 2956 Hawaii US 6/25/1959
200 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. 20 miles from waimea toward kona PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener & h. wiebke 3347 Oahu US 8/20/1926
201 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Ravine NW of Puu Makaliilii PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O.; Wiebke, H. 3343 Molokai US 5/22/2028
202 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kau Desert PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C. N. 387.H Hawaii US 8/2/2011
203 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. halemanu hill, kokee PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener & i. degener 23933 Kauai US 9/15/1955
204 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. auwahi, se puu ouli, s slope of haleakala PRESERVED_SPECIMEN f. r. fosberg 41514a Maui US 3/14/1961
205 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Hawaii National Park, Kipuka Nene PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Webster, G. L.; Wilbur, R. L. 1808 Hawaii US 6/18/1948
206 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. hana district, auwahi PRESERVED_SPECIMEN e. y. hosaka 2622 Oahu US 12/6/1941
207 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. South branch of Kapua Gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O.; Degener, I. 28554 Lanai US 8/24/1963
208 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Honopu side of dividing ridge south of Kalalau PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K. R.; Bell, A. 11766 Kauai US 2/19/2006
209 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. koke`e PRESERVED_SPECIMEN w. l. wagner 5145 Kauai US
210 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. waianae mountains, malcua valley. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. obata 76-305 Oahu US 11/28/1976
211 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. W part of Kauai, Kokee State Park near museum PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Little Jr., E. L. 23022 Kauai US 5/30/1968
212 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kahuku, ocean view estates, near junction of orchid and keaka parkways PRESERVED_SPECIMEN d. r. herbst & s. ishikawa 5066 Hawaii US 10/7/1974
213 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. s fork of gaunakakai gulch, s side PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. anderson 530 Molokai US 5/26/1982
214 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. hawaii national park, kipuka nene PRESERVED_SPECIMEN g. l. webster & r. l. wilbur 1808 Hawaii US 6/18/1948
215 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Waianae Mountains, Malcua Valley. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Obata, J. 76-305 Oahu US 11/28/1976
216 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Honopu side of dividing ridge south of Kalalau PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood & A. Bell 11766 Kauai US 2/19/2006
217 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. S Kona PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Shear, C. L. s.n. Oahu US 1/15/2028
218 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kaiholeua Ridge. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J. F. 8070 Lanai US 7/21/2010
219 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Vicinity of Volcano, Kilauea area, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Kipuka Puaulu Bird Park PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Iltis, H. H.; Iltis, M. G.; Iltis, C. M. H-113b Hawaii US 6/21/1967
220 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. se corner of makua valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener & c. judd 8729 Oahu US 9/27/1932
221 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. haleakala s slope, auahi-kanaio boundary, just below pipeline, in small 'a'a gully PRESERVED_SPECIMEN a. medeiros 188b Maui US 11/21/1981
222 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kau desert PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes 387.h Hawaii US 8/2/1911
223 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. on the ridge west of the hanapepe river PRESERVED_SPECIMEN a. a. heller 2748 Kauai US 1895-08-22
224 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. North Kona, Puuwaawaa; 3 miles west of Puuwaawaa Hill PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Webster, G. L.; Wilbur, R. L. 1890 Hawaii US 1948-00-00
225 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Makua PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Judd, C. S. 70 Oahu US 2/9/2028
226 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. On the ridge west of The Hanapepe River PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Heller, A. A. 2748 Kauai US 1895-00-00
227 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Manuka Park, S Kona PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Fosberg, F. R. 41625 Hawaii US 3/21/1961
228 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kahuaawi gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener 8730 Molokai US 5/12/1928
229 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Vicinity forest ranger station at Kokee PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stern, W. L.; Carlquist, S. 1270 Kauai US 8/1/1961
230 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. puna: upper kealakomo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN b. c. stone & r. pearson 3017 Oahu US 7/9/1959
231 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. puuanahulu, puuwaawaa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. f. rock 10094 Hawaii US
232 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. awaawapuhi trail from kokee road to na pali coast PRESERVED_SPECIMEN p. van royen 11753 Kauai US 9/24/1977
233 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. SE corner of Makua Valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O.; Judd, C. 8729 Oahu US 9/27/1932
234 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Haleakala S slope, Auahi-Kanaio boundary, just below pipeline, in small 'a'a gully PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Medeiros, A. C. 188b Maui US 11/21/1981
235 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Manuka Natural Area Reserve, transect 11, west from Road to the Sea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Perlman, S. P.; Abbott, L.; Buck, M. 10702 Hawaii US 4/17/1989
236 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kona PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Shear, C. L. s.n. Oahu US 1/28/2020
237 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. unknown PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. nagata 534/2574 Hawaii US 4/16/1969
238 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Kipuka Nene, Hilina Pali Road PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Fosberg, F. R. 53675 Hawaii US 4/12/1971
239 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. east maui, auahi PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. f. rock 8644 Maui US
240 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Waianae Mountains, Makua Valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Obata, J. K. s.n. Oahu US 5/1/1974
241 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kokee state park near museum. nw part of kauai. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN e. l. little jr. 31172 Kauai US 9/1/1976
242 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Auwahi, SE Puu Ouli, S slope of Haleakala PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Fosberg, F. R. 41514a Maui US 3/14/1961
243 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kaholuamano PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. f. rock 5504 Kauai US
244 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN b. c. stone 2956 Hawaii US 6/25/1959
245 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kawala Gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C. N. 182.M Molokai US 7/12/2020
246 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. waianae mountains, makua valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. obata s.n. Oahu US
247 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kawala gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes 182.m Molokai US
248 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. diamond head PRESERVED_SPECIMEN g. c. munro 2 Oahu US
249 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. makua valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood, j. lau, s. miller, d. zevin & j. yoshioka 2435 Maui US 3/7/1993
250 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Makua valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K. R.; Lau, J.; Miller, S.; Zevin, D.; Yoshioka, J. 2435 Oahu US 3/7/1993
251 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Puuwaawaa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C. N. 21.H. Hawaii US 1911-00-00
252 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Koke'e State Park, on Canyon Trail to Waipoo Falls PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wagner, W. L.; Miller, S. W.; Wier, D. B.; Wier, G. 4943 Kauai US 8/26/1983
253 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kahuaawi Gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 8730 Molokai US 5/12/2028
254 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Halemanu. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Herbst, D. R. 1033 Kauai US 4/7/1968
255 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Waimea, Kokee Territorial Park, Halemanu Road, 0.4 miles from Kokee Road PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Chock, A. K.; Cliff, G. s.n. Oahu US 10/17/1955
256 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. mountains near kuele PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes 85.l Lanai US
257 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Manuka Mauka PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H.; Hashimoto, E.; Hosaka, E.; Lindsay, J.; Mitchell, D. 11350 Kauai US 12/27/1931
258 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kaiholeua ridge. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. f. rock 8070 Lanai US 7/21/1910
259 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kaholuamanu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C. N. s.n. Kauai US 9/9/2020
260 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. milolii ridge, waimea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. st. john & f. r. fosberg 13722 Kauai US 12/27/1933
261 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Hana District, Auwahi PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hosaka, E. Y. 2622 Oahu US 12/6/1941
262 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. West Maui, Lahaina District, slopes of Helu, Puehuehunui, 1st gulch NW of Luakoi Ridge On very steep north facing slope, about one third below ridge top to gulch bottom. Vegetation: Metrosideros, Diospyros, Myrsine, Coprosma, Wikstroemia, Dodonaea, Psychotria, Alyxia, Nephrolepis, Doodia, Dryopteris, Carex, Leptecophylla, Cocculus. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. H120607 Maui BISH 12/6/2006
263 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Awehi, 4 gulches S of Puhielelu Ridge, E Lanai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Montgomery, S.L. s.n. Lanai BISH 6/6/1971
264 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. west maui, wailuku dist., pohakea gulch rainforest, on mossy tree trunk PRESERVED_SPECIMEN oppenheimer, h.l. collector number: h100518 Molokai BISH 10/20/2005
265 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Waianae Mts., Makua Valley- against cliff of back wall, center of valley On edge of steep ridge on north face of "V" shaped gulch. Assoc. with Metrosideros, Diospyros, Dodonaea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Obata, J.K. s.n. Oahu BISH 5/1/1974
266 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. S Fork of Kaunakakai Gulch Growing on south side of gulch with Dodonaea, Styphelia, Coprosma, Pleomele, and Euphorbia. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Anderson, S.J. 530 Molokai BISH 5/26/1982
267 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. N Kona, between Huehue and Puuwaawaa dry forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. s.n. Hawaii BISH 8/6/1944
268 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. S fork of Kaunakakai Gulch Growing on south side of gulch with Dodonaea, Styphelia, Coprosma, Pleomele, and Euphorbia. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Anderson, S.J. 530 Molokai BISH 5/26/1982
269 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Hauola and Maunalei, between, outer point PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Munro, G.C. 152 Lanai BISH 10/11/1913
270 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. puuwaawaa, hinds ranch Cultivated in hedge behind house. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN macdaniels, l.h. collector number: 296 Oahu BISH 12/1/1926
271 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Maunaloa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hillebrand, W.B. s.n. Molokai BISH
272 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. waianae mts., makua valley- against cliff of back wall, center of valley On edge of steep ridge on north face of "V" shaped gulch. Assoc. with Metrosideros, Diospyros, Dodonaea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN obata, j.k. collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH 5/1/1974
273 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kona PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. l. shear s.n. Oahu US 1/8/1928
274 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Halemanu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J. F. 1786 Kauai US 1909-00-00
275 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Puuwaawaa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C. N. 21.H Hawaii US 1911-00-00
276 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Puna: upper Kealakomo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stone, B. C.; Pearson, R. 3017 Hawaii US 7/9/1959
277 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. waimea, kokee territorial park, halemanu road, 0.4 miles from kokee road PRESERVED_SPECIMEN a. chock & g. cliff s.n. Oahu US 10/17/1955
278 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. puuwaawaa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes 21.h Hawaii US 6/8/1911
279 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. auwahi, east maui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. st. john 26873 Maui US 6/30/1972
280 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. makaha ridge road, near kokee lodge. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN alwyn h. gentry|rosa ortiz gentry 78037 Oahu US 8/8/1992
281 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Upper West Fork Kauela PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hughes, G. 92 Molokai US 1992-00-00
282 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. hawaii volcanoes national park, kipuka nene, hilina pali road PRESERVED_SPECIMEN f. r. fosberg 53675 Hawaii US 4/12/1971
283 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. puuwaawaa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes 21.h. Hawaii US 6/8/1911
284 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Auwahi lands about beyond Ulupalakua PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Sohmer, S. H. 6598 Maui US 8/20/1970
285 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. E Maui, Auahi PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J. F. 8644 Maui US 11/10/2020
286 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Waimea Canyon, isolated relic forest, difficult access north of Kukui trail. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K. R. 14186 Kauai US 4/11/2010
287 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. between maunalii and auola PRESERVED_SPECIMEN g. c. munro 152 Lanai US 10/13/1913
288 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. south branch of kapua gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener & i. degener 28554 Lanai US 8/24/1963
289 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. waimea canyon, isolated relic forest, difficult access north of kukui trail. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood 14186 Kauai US 4/11/2010
290 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Halemanu Hill, Kokee PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O.; Degener, I. 23933 Kauai US 9/15/1955
291 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Puuanahulu, Puuwaawaa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J. F. 10094 Hawaii US 8/11/2020
292 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Mountains near Kuele PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C. N. 85.L Lanai US 6/13/2020
293 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. manuka mauka PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. st. john, e. hashimoto, e. hosaka, j. lindsay & d. mitchell 11350 Kauai US 12/27/1931
294 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. e maui, auahi PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. f. rock 8644 US
295 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. honopu side of dividing ridge south of kalalau PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood & a. bell 11766 Kauai US 2/19/2006
296 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kahuku, Ocean View Estates, near junction of Orchid and Keaka Parkways PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Herbst, D. R.; Ishikawa, S. 5066 Hawaii US 10/7/1974
297 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. halemanu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. f. rock 1786 Kauai US 2/14/1909
298 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kaholuamanu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes s.n. Kauai US
299 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. vicinity forest ranger station at kokee PRESERVED_SPECIMEN w. l. stern & s. carlquist 1270 Kauai US
300 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kapua, Kona PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C. N. 359.H Hawaii US 7/25/2011
301 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kauila PRESERVED_SPECIMEN e. ozaki 1308 Oahu US 12/23/1954
302 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. manuka park, s kona PRESERVED_SPECIMEN f. r. fosberg 41625 Maui US 3/21/1961
303 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. upper Kealakomo forest; aa flow PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stone, B.C. 2956 Hawaii BISH 6/25/1959
304 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. s kona PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. l. shear s.n. Oahu US 1/15/1928
305 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kapua, kona PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes 359.h Hawaii US 7/25/1911
306 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. East Maui, Auahi PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J. F. 8644 Maui US 11/10/2020
307 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kona, belt road PRESERVED_SPECIMEN shinohara, b. Hawaii BISH 12/1/1947
308 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. waiakeakua PRESERVED_SPECIMEN munro, g.c. collector number: 142 Oahu BISH 7/18/1927
309 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Unknown PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Nagata, K. M. 534/2574 Hawaii US 4/16/1969
310 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Hanakapi'ai Valley, 2/3 of the way back to waterfall on West side. Mesic forest on ridge. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Merlin Edmonds ME304 Kauai PTBG 3/18/2015
311 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. W. Maui, slopes of Helu, Puehuehunui, 1st gulch NW of Luakoi Ridge. On very steep north facing slope, about one third below ridge top to gulch bottom. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H120607 Maui PTBG 12/6/2006
312 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. West Maui, Wailuku Dist., Pohakea Gulch steep, windward facing mid-gulch slope. Vegetation: Metrosideros, Myrsine, Xylosma, Ilex, Diospyros, Chamaesyce, Dodonaea, Leptecophylla, Wikstroemia, Nestegis, Smilax, Dubautia, Coprosma, Bidens, Vaccinium, Alyxia, Pleomele, Doodia, Dryopteris, Ctenitis, Cocculus, Elaphoglossum, Lysimachia, Nephrolepis, Carex, Pteridium, Peperomia, Liparis. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. Collector Number: H100518 Maui BISH 10/20/2005
313 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Mokuleia, slopes of Koola PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 1831 O Oahu BISH 4/26/1912
314 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. ravine nw of puu makaliilii PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener & h. wiebke 3343 Molokai US 5/22/1928
315 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kokee State Park, on Canyon Trail to Waipoo Falls PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wagner, W.L. 4943 Kauai BISH 8/26/1983
316 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Puuwaawaa, Hinds ranch rough lava PRESERVED_SPECIMEN MacDaniels, L.H. 296 Hawaii BISH 12/1/1926
317 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. vicinity of volcano, kilauea area, hawaii volcanoes national park kipuka puaulu bird park PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. h. iltis, m. g. iltis & c. m. iltis h-113b Hawaii US 6/21/1967
318 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. W. Maui, Papalaua Gulch. Mesic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H100506 Maui PTBG 10/12/2005
319 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kauila PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ozaki, E. T. 1308 Hawaii US 12/23/1954
320 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. district of waianae, kahanahaiki PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lau, j. collector number: 831 Oahu BISH 1/30/1982
321 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. mts. near koele PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 198.l Lanai BISH 6/1/1913
322 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. waimea district, nuololo, forests north of nuololo trail Metrosideros-Acacia montane mesic forest w/ Alphitonia ponderosa, Claoxylon sandwicensis, Myrsine lanaiensis, Wikstroemia furcata, Dodonaea viscosa, Kadua affinis, Melicope barbigera, M. anisata, M. ovata, Pleomele aurea, Tetraplasandra kava PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wood, k.r. query, m. collector number: 15675 Kauai BISH
323 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Milolii Ridge road Metrosideros, Tetraplasandra, Cyanea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gagne, W.C. 530 Kauai BISH 8/21/1970
324 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Waimea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Mann, H. s.n. Kauai BISH 2/6/1905
325 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. awehi, 4 gulches s of puhielelu ridge, e lanai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN montgomery, s.l. kobayashi, g. collector number: s.n. Lanai BISH 6/6/1971
326 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Auwahi, East Maui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 26873 Maui US 6/30/1972
327 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Mauna Loa, Kau open dry forest, aa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 31536 Hawaii BISH 6/20/1967
328 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Hana, Auwahi xerophytic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hosaka, E.Y. 2622 Maui BISH 12/6/1941
329 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. north kona PRESERVED_SPECIMEN webster 1890 ASU
330 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Halemanu dry forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Herbst, D.R. 1033 Kauai BISH 4/7/1968
331 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. 20 miles from Waimea toward Kona PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O.; Wiebke, H. 3347 Hawaii US 8/20/2026
332 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Rim of Kalalau Valley forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 20944 Kauai BISH 2/1/1950
333 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. auwahi lands about beyond ulupalakua PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. h. sohmer 6598 Maui US 8/20/1970
334 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Between Maunalii and Auola PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Munro, G. C. 152 Lanai US 10/13/2013
335 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kokee State Park near museum. NW part of Kauai. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Little Jr., E. L. 31172 Kauai US 9/1/1976
336 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Mahana PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Munro, G.C. s.n. Lanai BISH 2/24/1915
337 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kaiholena ridge PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8070 Lanai BISH 7/21/1910
338 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. East Maui, Hana District, Auwahi dry forest on aa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Webster, G.L. Gankin, R.; Herbst, D. Collector Number: 13901 Maui BISH 6/25/1968
339 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. puuwaawaa smooth aa, fountain grass, ohia, lantana, Myrsine PRESERVED_SPECIMEN montgomery, s.l. collector number: 38 Hawaii BISH 7/6/1971
340 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. W Maui, Mahinahina Gulch, adjacent to Puu Kukui Watershed Steep south wall in `ohi`a lowland mesic shrubland with Dicranopteris linearis, Metrosideros polymorpha, Scaevola gaudichaudii, Dodonaea viscosa, Wikstroemia oahuensis, Lycopodium cernuum, Cyanea elliptica, Liparis hawaiiensis, Diospyros sandwicensis, Odontosoria chinensis, Carex wahuensis, Machaerina mariscoides, Exocarpos gaudicaudii. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Meidell, J.S. 102 Maui BISH 11/2/1995
341 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Milolii Ridge, Waimea moist woods PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 13722 Kauai BISH 12/27/1933
342 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. west maui, lahaina, hanakaoo gulch mauka of horner reservoir N facing steep slope, ~1/3 way below gulch rim. Associated vegetation: Metrosideros, Dodonaea, Leptecophylla, Wikstroemia, Osteomeles, Scaevola, Diospyros, Acacia, Bidens, Pteridium, Nephrolepis, Doodia, Dryopteris, Carex, Pittosporum, Elaphoglossum, Asplenium, Psydrax, Alyxia, Psilotum, Lepisorus, Psidium, Schinus. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN oppenheimer, h.l. collector number: h60713 Maui BISH 6/12/2007
343 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Waianae Mts., Makua Valley, against cliff of backbone, about middle of the cliff face in a large V-shaped gulch, on the north face On the edge of a steep ridge, among Metrosideros, Dodonaea, Psidium, Diospyros, etc. Dry substrata. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Obata, J.K. 76-305 Oahu BISH 11/28/1976
344 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. w maui, mahinahina gulch, adjacent to puu kukui watershed Steep south wall in `ohi`a lowland mesic shrubland with Dicranopteris linearis, Metrosideros polymorpha, Scaevola gaudichaudii, Dodonaea viscosa, Wikstroemia oahuensis, Lycopodium cernuum, Cyanea elliptica, Liparis hawaiiensis, Diospyros sandwicensis, Odontosoria chinensis, Carex wahuensis, Machaerina mariscoides, Exocarpos gaudicaudii. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN meidell, j.s. oppenheimer, h.l. collector number: 102 Maui BISH 11/2/1995
345 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Maunalei PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Munro, G.C. 472 Lanai BISH 10/11/1913
346 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kapua, Kona PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 359 H Hawaii BISH 7/25/1911
347 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. makua valley Mesic native forest on west facing slope PRESERVED_SPECIMEN gagné, w.c. obata,j.; montgomery, s.l. collector number: 696 Oahu BISH 5/26/1974
348 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. vicinity forest ranger station at kokee PRESERVED_SPECIMEN stern, w.l. carlquist, s. collector number: 1270 Oahu BISH 8/8/1961
349 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Vicinity forest ranger station at Kokee transition between wet and dry forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stern, W.L. 1270 Kauai BISH 8/1/1961
350 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. halemanu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 1786 Kauai BISH 2/14/1909
351 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. National Park, Kipuka Puaulu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lamoureux, C.H. 2838 Hawaii BISH 3/21/1965
352 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. rim of kalalau valley forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. hatheway, w.h. collector number: 20944 Kauai BISH 2/1/1950
353 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. on the ridge west of the Hanapepe River PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Heller, A.A. 2748 Kauai BISH 1895-00-00
354 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. w waimea drainage basin PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 1070 k Kauai BISH 7/3/1917
355 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. waimea, na pali-kona forest reserve, kokee road, near (sout portion of) faye road PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wichman, j.r. chock, a.k. collector number: 1126 Kauai BISH 9/3/1953
356 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. upper waimea canyon, kokee park ca. 2 mi. s of park headquarters In moderately dry Acacia kauaiensis-Metrosideros polymorpha forest, with Santalum pyrularium, Euphorbia remyi, Wilkesia gymnoxiphium, Styphelia tameiameiae. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN carlquist, s. collector number: 1956 Kauai BISH 7/10/1966
357 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kokee, near museum Acacia koa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN little jr., e.l. collector number: 31172 Kauai BISH 9/1/1976
358 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Awaawapuhi Trail, Honopuu, Kokee PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Pearsall, G.A. s.n. Kauai BISH 12/29/1956
359 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. land section of makakupaia, s fork of kaunakakai gulch, southern slope of the gulch On a rocky slope PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lau, j. collector number: 1459 Molokai BISH 9/25/1985
360 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. hauola and maunalei, between, outer point PRESERVED_SPECIMEN munro, g.c. collector number: 152 Hawaii BISH 10/11/1913
361 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. diamond head PRESERVED_SPECIMEN munro, g.c. BISH
362 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Ocean View, 0.1 mile N of General Store, Hwy 11, Kahuku, Kau PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Kimura, B. 6 Hawaii BISH 6/29/1980
363 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kau, national park, kipuka puaulu wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lammers, t.g. collector number: 5406 Hawaii BISH 9/2/1983
364 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. puna-kealakomo pali, lehua forest, open aa flow PRESERVED_SPECIMEN stone, b.c. collector number: 3017 Hawaii BISH 7/9/1959
365 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. n. kona; puuwaawaa On an a`a lava flow. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 25715 Hawaii BISH 3/14/1957
366 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. halemanu dry forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN herbst, d.r. collector number: 1033 Kauai BISH 4/7/1968
367 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Puuwaawaa smooth aa, fountain grass, ohia, lantana, Myrsine PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Montgomery, S.L. 38 Hawaii BISH 7/6/1971
368 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. munro trail, off On dry ridge. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN burr, t. (sub degener, o.) collector number: 28656 Lanai BISH 7/28/1963
369 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kokee, Kumuwela. Along ridge to George's Point overlooking Poomau Canyon PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Flynn, T. 653 Kauai BISH 11/17/1983
370 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. maui on open, gentle sloping ridgetop. Vegetation: Metrosideros, Psidium, Schinus, Wikstroemia, Leptecophylla, Dodonaea, Nephrolepis, Osteomeles, Phaius, Paspalum, Andropogon, Setaria, Carex, Psilotum, Cocculus, Pteridium PRESERVED_SPECIMEN oppenheimer, h.l. fay, k.; spencer, j. collector number: h100522 Maui BISH 10/20/2005
371 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kapua rough lava PRESERVED_SPECIMEN macdaniels, l.h. collector number: 272 Hawaii BISH 5/16/1926
372 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. puuwaawaa rough aa, fountain grass, Lantana, ohia, Myrsine, sandalwood PRESERVED_SPECIMEN montgomery, s.l. ruffin, w. collector number: 46 Hawaii BISH 7/6/1971
373 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Mts. near Koele PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 198.L Lanai BISH 6/1/1913
374 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. East Maui, Auahi PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 8644 Maui BISH 11/1/1910
375 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Waimea District, Puu Ka Pele Rorest Reserge on W. side of Waimea Canyon.11.3 miles N. of Waimea, just E. of Highway 550 Steep slopes and open grassy areass with remnants of dry mixed mesophytic forest of Acacia koa, Metrosideros, and Myraine PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lorence, D.H. 5252 Kauai BISH 5/21/1987
376 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kahuku, ocean view, jct. of orchid and keaka parkways PRESERVED_SPECIMEN herbst, d.r. ishikawa, s. collector number: 5066 Molokai BISH 10/7/1974
377 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Manuka, Kau, 100 yds. mauka of Belt Rd. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Meinecke, W.H. s.n. Hawaii BISH 5/15/1956
378 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Haleakala S slope, just below the pipeline road In a small `a`a gully with Pleomele, Osteomeles, Alyxia, Osmanthus & Lantana. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Medeiros, A.C. 188a Maui BISH 11/21/1981
379 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Canyon Rim Trail, near Waipoo Waterfall In low forest with Acacia and Metrosideros PRESERVED_SPECIMEN van Balgooy, M.M.J. 4234 Kauai BISH 5/30/1982
380 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kaiholena Ridge PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 8070 Lanai BISH 7/21/1910
381 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Halemanu Rather dry slope PRESERVED_SPECIMEN MacDaniels, L.H. 785 Kauai BISH 2/18/1927
382 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. puuwaawaa, n kona dry lava flow PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 25612 Hawaii BISH 12/1/1955
383 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kahuku, Ocean View, jct. of Orchid and Keaka Parkways open forest, dry aa lava PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Herbst, D.R. 5066 Hawaii BISH 10/9/1974
384 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. W Waimea drainage basin PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 1070 K Kauai BISH 7/3/1917
385 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Manuka, S Kona PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 10024 Hawaii BISH 1/1/1912
386 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kau desert, se of pahala PRESERVED_SPECIMEN skottsberg, c.j.f. collector number: 609 Hawaii BISH 9/20/1922
387 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. halemanu aa lava in dry, open Metrosideros forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN macdaniels, l.h. collector number: 761 Hawaii BISH 2/17/1927
388 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. hanalei district; napali coast state park, back of kalalau valley Degraded Diverse Mesic Forest with remnant large native trees and Psydrax patches. Understory mostly weedy. W/ Pouteria sandwicensis, Pteralyxia kauaiensis, Psychotria mariniana, Elaeocarpus bifidus, Dodonea viscosa, Metrosideros poymorpha, Diospyros hillebrandii, D. sandwicensis, Pleomele aurea, Psydrax odo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN tangalin, n. portner, t., traurnicht collector number: 2863 Kauai BISH 10/18/2011
389 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. 80 miles from Hilo Store, Government Rd. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Judd Jr., A.F. s.n. Hawaii BISH 1/8/1930
390 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. puuwaawaa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 21 h Hawaii BISH 6/8/1911
391 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Near Kokee PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Alexander, A.M. 5246 Kauai BISH 3/11/1947
392 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. makua Moist gully PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. judd 70 Oahu BISH 2/9/1928
393 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. puuwaawaa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN baldwin, r.i. collector number: 1 Oahu BISH 9/13/1958
394 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kahualuamanu, above waimea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 427 k Kauai BISH 9/1/1909
395 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. S branch, Kapua Gulch forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 28554 Lanai BISH 8/24/1963
396 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Waimea, Kokee Territorial Park, Halemanu road, 0.4 miles from Kokee road PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Chock, A.K. 1361 Kauai BISH 10/17/1955
397 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kokee, near museum Acacia koa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Little Jr., E.L. 23022 Kauai BISH 5/30/1968
398 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kauai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN knudsen collector number: 28 Kauai BISH
399 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. s fork of kaunakakai gulch Growing on south side of gulch with Dodonaea, Styphelia, Coprosma, Pleomele, and Euphorbia. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN anderson, s.j. collector number: 530 Molokai BISH 5/26/1982
400 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. located on the mauna loa strip road about 2.2 miles from intersection with kona-hilo highway; or up mauna loa strip road about 200 meters from parking circle at kipuka puaulu. plant was about 30 meters 20° north of road. (plot 19) Acacia - Sapindus savanna community PRESERVED_SPECIMEN newell, c.l. collector number: 155 Hawaii BISH 7/26/1966
401 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Located on the Mauna Loa Strip Road about 2.2 miles from intersection with Kona-Hilo Highway; or up Mauna Loa Strip Road about 200 meters from parking circle at Kipuka Puaulu. Plant was about 30 meters 20° north of road. (plot 19) Acacia - Sapindus savanna community PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Newell, C.L. 155 Hawaii BISH 7/26/1966
402 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Haalelepaakai Ridge near Fish and Wildlife enclosure PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Flynn, T. 181 Lanai BISH 5/25/1982
403 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Puuwaawaa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 21 H Hawaii BISH 6/8/1911
404 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kokee, near museum Acacia koa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN little jr., e.l. collector number: 23022 Kauai BISH 5/30/1968
405 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kealakahua, kau, mauka side of belt rd., across stone fence PRESERVED_SPECIMEN meinecke, w.h. Hawaii BISH 5/15/1956
406 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. USA, Hawaiian Islands, Lana'I, Awehi Gulch headwaters, below Waiakeakua, 900m. Single 3-4 m tall tree, leaning, on N facing slope, near ridge top, in very degraded Mesic Forest dominated by Psidium cattleianum. Vegetation: Metrosideros, Nestegis, Ilex, Psychotria, Bobea, Leptecophylla, Xylosma, Syzgium, Pouteria, Pittosporum, Perrottetia, Myrsine, Kadua, Santalum, Clermontia, Cyrtandra, Scaevola, Pipturus, Melicope, Pisonia, WIkstroemia, Dodonaea, Freycinetia, Doodia, Dianella, Dicranopteris, Diplopterygium, Sphenomeris, Smilax, Alyxia, Sadleria, Cibotium, Acacia, Selaginella. Threats: Deer, Psidium, Morella, Leptospermum, Sechinus, Cinnamomum. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer #H91013 Lanai BISH 9/14/2019
407 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kau, Kahuku, 1887 lava flow PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Shigehara, B. s.n. Hawaii BISH
408 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. haleakala s slope, just below the pipeline road hillside PRESERVED_SPECIMEN medeiros, a.c. collector number: 188a Oahu BISH 11/21/1981
409 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Hanalei District. Hanakapi'ai Valley, 2/3 of the way back to waterfall on West side. Mesic forest on ridge. W/Metrosideros, Pittosporum glabrum, Diospyros sandwicensis, Planchonella sandwicensis, Nesoluma polynesium. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Edmonds, M. ME304 Kauai BISH 3/18/2015
410 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. central w fork of kawela gulch with Metrosideros, Cibotium PRESERVED_SPECIMEN oppenheimer, h.l. collector number: h40817 Hawaii BISH 4/23/2008
411 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Puuwaawaa, N Kona dry lava flow PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 25612 Hawaii BISH 12/1/1955
412 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. 7 mi from Kalae turnoff PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Woolford, H.A. s.n. Hawaii BISH 12/23/1954
413 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Hanalei District; NaPali Coast State Park, back of Kalalau Valley Degraded Diverse Mesic Forest with remnant large native trees and Psydrax patches. Understory mostly weedy. W/ Pouteria sandwicensis, Pteralyxia kauaiensis, Psychotria mariniana, Elaeocarpus bifidus, Dodonea viscosa, Metrosideros poymorpha, Diospyros hillebrandii, D. sandwicensis, Pleomele aurea, Psydrax odo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tangalin, N. Portner, T., Traurnicht Collector Number: 2863 Kauai BISH 10/18/2011
414 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Awaawapuhi Trail from Kokee Road to NaPali Coast Rainforest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN van Royen, P. 11753 Kauai BISH 9/24/1977
415 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kokee, near museum Acacia koa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Little Jr., E.L. 31172 Kauai BISH 9/1/1976
416 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. mokuleia, slopes of koola PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 1831 o Oahu BISH 4/26/1912
417 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. ridge between kalahu and nianiau, between kalalau and honapu valleys Moist forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN fosberg, f.r. collector number: 12714 Kauai BISH 12/29/1935
418 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. east maui, auwahi, above ulupalakua ranch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN gillett, g.w. collector number: 2040 Maui BISH 11/26/1966
419 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. 80 miles from hilo store, government rd. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN judd jr., a.f. Oahu BISH 1/8/1930
420 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Waiakeakua PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Munro, G.C. 142 Lanai BISH 7/18/1927
421 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Makua Valley Mesic native forest on west facing slope PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gagne, W.C. 696 Oahu BISH 5/26/1974
422 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. middle auahi, kalualii PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 2039.m Maui BISH 3/20/1920
423 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kapua, kau fr rough lava PRESERVED_SPECIMEN macdaniels, l.h. collector number: 277 Hawaii BISH 11/16/1926
424 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. manuka fr, kau Coming up in stream bed. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN horner, e. Hawaii BISH 4/3/1950
425 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Munro Trail, off On dry ridge. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Burr, T. 28656 Lanai BISH 7/28/1963
426 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. East Maui, Auwahi, above Ulupalakua Ranch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gillett, G.W. 2040 Maui BISH 11/26/1966
427 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. auwahi Growing on rocky ridge above treeline. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. collector number: 26873 Hawaii BISH 6/30/1972
428 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. auhi, ulupalakua Fairly open Casuarina sp., Schefflera actinophylla, Spathodea campanulata, Melia azederach, Grevillea robusta, Acacia confusa canopy, Urochloa maxima dominated understory. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN munro, g.c. collector number: 395 Oahu BISH 2/12/1915
429 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Auhi, Ulupalakua PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Munro, G.C. 395 Maui BISH 2/12/1915
430 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. East Maui, Makawao District, Kanaio NAR, Open area of dry forest and shrubland. Vegetation: Diospyros, Pleomele, Nesoluma, Reynoldsia, Nothocestrum, Wikstroemia, Dodonaea, Chamaesyce, Cocculus, Lantana, Lepisorus, Myoporum, Osteomeles, Melinis, Pellaea, Eragrostis, Cyperus, Bocconia, Ipomoea, Carex, Peperomia, Plectranthus, Doryopteris, Leptecophylla, Xylosma, Myrsine, Petroselinum, Neonotonia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. H20906 Maui BISH 2/3/2009
431 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. mauna loa, kau open dry forest, aa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. collector number: 31536 Hawaii BISH 6/20/1967
432 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. central W fork of Kawela Gulch ~one quarter up from gulch bottom, W facing slope; Dodonaea, Metrosideros, Wikstroemia, Pleomele, Leptecophylla, Pittosporum, Exocarpos, Osteomeles, Sophora, Coprosma, Kadua, Pouteria, Diospyros, Psychotria, Pisonia, Pteridium, Dryopteris, Asplenium, Luzula, Alyxia, Cyperus, Microlepia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. H40817 Molokai BISH 4/23/2008
433 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Makua valley 30 deg, NE; Nestegis sandwicensis, Alyxia, Styphelia, Myrsine lessertiana, Pittosporum glabrum, Wikstroemia, Diospyros sandwicensis, Dodonaea, Psydrax odorata PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K.R. 2435 Oahu BISH 3/7/1993
434 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Puuanahulu, Puuwaawaa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 10094 Hawaii BISH 8/1/1911
435 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. hualalai, between puuwaawaa and huehue PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. collector number: 3349 Hawaii BISH 8/24/1926
436 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kona, Belt Road PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Shinohara, B. s.n. Hawaii BISH 12/1/1947
437 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. hana, auwahi xerophytic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hosaka, e.y. collector number: 2622 Maui BISH 12/6/1941
438 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Puuwaawaa, N Kona, Huehue PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 12970 Hawaii BISH 8/1/1917
439 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. west maui, lahaina district, slopes of helu, puehuehunui, 1st gulch nw of luakoi ridge PRESERVED_SPECIMEN oppenheimer, h.l. wood, k.r. collector number: h120607 Oahu BISH 12/6/2006
440 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. makua valley 30 deg, NE; Nestegis sandwicensis, Alyxia, Styphelia, Myrsine lessertiana, Pittosporum glabrum, Wikstroemia, Diospyros sandwicensis, Dodonaea, Psydrax odorata PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wood, k.r. et al. collector number: 2435 Oahu BISH 3/7/1993
441 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. mts. near koele Collected from tidepools: Epiphytic on Amphiroa. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 85.l Hawaii BISH 6/1/1913
442 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. east maui, s haleakala, auwahi, se puu ouli dry open sclerophyllous forest on aa lava PRESERVED_SPECIMEN fosberg, f.r. collector number: 415142 Maui BISH 12/14/1961
443 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Diamond Head PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Munro, G.C. 2 Oahu BISH 5/11/1905
444 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Waimea, Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve, Kokee road, near (sout portion of) Faye road PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wichman, J.R. 1126 Kauai BISH 9/3/1953
445 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kahuku, kau PRESERVED_SPECIMEN russ, g.w. Hawaii BISH 4/13/1927
446 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kauai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Knudsen 28 Kauai BISH
447 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. makua valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lyon, h.l. Oahu BISH 9/27/1932
448 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. waimea district, puu ka pele rorest reserge on w. side of waimea canyon.11.3 miles n. of waimea, just e. of highway 550 In narrow volcanic crater. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lorence, d.h. flynn, t.; de lappe, r. collector number: 5252 Maui BISH 5/21/1987
449 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. east maui, hana district, auwahi dry forest on aa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN webster, g.l. gankin, r.; herbst, d. collector number: 13901 Maui BISH 6/25/1968
450 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. puuwaawaa ranch, n kona, below headquarters aa flow; with Metrosideros, Grevillea, Pennisetum PRESERVED_SPECIMEN nagata, k.m. kimura, b. collector number: 1731 Hawaii BISH 7/26/1978
451 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Honopu: Awaawapuhi Valley Mesic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stone, B.C. 1566 Kauai BISH 12/29/1956
452 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Puhielelu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Munro, G.C. 247 Lanai BISH 11/18/1910
453 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Maui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Munro, G.C. s.n. Maui BISH
454 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Puuwaawaa rough aa, fountain grass, Lantana, ohia, Myrsine, sandalwood PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Montgomery, S.L. 46 Hawaii BISH 7/6/1971
455 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. canyhon rim trail, near waipoo waterfall In low forest with Acacia and Metrosideros PRESERVED_SPECIMEN van balgooy, m.m.j. collector number: 4234 Kauai BISH 5/30/1982
456 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Hualalai, between Puuwaawaa and Huehue PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 3349 Hawaii BISH 8/24/1926
457 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. National Park, Kipuka Puaulu forest clearing PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. Hawaii 14c Hawaii BISH 5/12/1984
458 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. national park, kipuka puaulu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lamoureux, c.h. collector number: 2838 Hawaii BISH 3/21/1965
459 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. haalelepaakai ridge near fish and wildlife enclosure PRESERVED_SPECIMEN flynn, t. collector number: 181 BISH 5/25/1982
460 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Honopu side of dividing ridge S of Kalalau Acacia koa-Metrosideros polymorpha montane mesic forest w/ Zanthoxylum diptalum, Dicranopteris linearis, Hedyotis terminalis, Pleomele aurea, Bobea brevipes, Psychotria mariniana, Melicope anisata, M. barbigera, Pouteria sandwicensis, Dodonaea viscosa, Dianella sandwicensis; pig, deer, goat, rats, Rubus argutus, Lantana camara, Erigeron karvinskianus. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K.R. 11766 Kauai BISH 2/19/2006
461 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Hanalei District; NaPali Coast State Park, back of Kalalau Valley Degraded Diverse Mesic Forest with remnant large native trees and Psydrax patches. Understory mostly weedy. W/ Pouteria sandwicensis, Pteralyxia kauaiensis, Psychotria mariniana, Elaeocarpus bifidus, Dodonea viscosa, Metrosideros poymorpha, Diospyros hillebrandii, D. sandwicensis, Pleomele aurea, Psydrax odo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tangalin, N. 2863 Kauai BISH 10/18/2011
462 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. 20 mi from Waimea toward Kona aa desert PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 3347 Hawaii BISH 8/20/1926
463 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. National Park, Kau, Hilina Pali road, Kipuka Nene shelter open area with Metrosideros PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Herat, T. 771 Hawaii BISH 6/27/1974
464 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Waimea District, Nuololo, forests north of Nuololo trail Metrosideros-Acacia montane mesic forest w/ Alphitonia ponderosa, Claoxylon sandwicensis, Myrsine lanaiensis, Wikstroemia furcata, Dodonaea viscosa, Kadua affinis, Melicope barbigera, M. anisata, M. ovata, Pleomele aurea, Tetraplasandra kava PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K.R. 15675 Kauai BISH 9/29/2013
465 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. Kapua, Kau FR rough lava PRESERVED_SPECIMEN MacDaniels, L.H. 277 Hawaii BISH 11/16/1926
466 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. kapua, kona PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 359 h Hawaii BISH 7/25/1911
467 Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebr. honopu: awaawapuhi valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN stone, b.c. collector number: 1566 Oahu BISH 12/29/1956